Articles – a, an, the

Use and Form

We use a or an in front of singular, countable nouns. We use an  in front of nouns that start with a vowel and a in front of nouns that start with a consonant:

A book / a window

An actress / an exam


We use  a when it doesn’t matter which person or thing we are talking about, or when we talk about the person or thing for the first time:

We need a car.

They have a big garden. (I’m talking about it for the first time)


We use the when we talk about a person or thing again and the other person knows who or what it is:

They have a cat and a dog. The dog is dangerous.

Feed the dog. She is hungry. (our dog)


There are a lot of phrases without articles:

At night, at home, at school, in hospital, in bed, by train, by plane, by taxi, before lunch, after dinner, go to school, go to work, go home, have breakfast, have lunch.

  1.  Explain why goal(tujuan) is an important part of human life?

Karena Tujuan sangat peting untuk memetakan pola hidup kita dimasa yang akan datang sehingga kita tidak hidup dengan ‘asal-asalan’ dan memiliki suatu visi dan misi yang harus dicapai di masa depan

2. Write 5 of your future goals and explain why they are SMART!

Pada bulan Desember 2012 saya dapat menghafal lebih dari 10000 kata baru dalam bahasa inggris

Pada tahun 2014 saya menjadi guru les bahasa inggris di ILP

Pada tahun 2016 saya  lulus dari FKIP UKI dan menjadi guru bahasa inggris di SMPN 6 Tambun Selatan (SMP saya dulu)

Pada tahun 2018 saya memiliki tempat kursus bahasa inggris sendiri

Dan Pada tahun 2022 saya menjadi dosen Bahasa Inggris di FKIP UKI.

Mengapa 5 goals saya SMART? Karena itu semua dapat dicapai dan diukur berdasarkan kemampuan dan kerja keras saya sendiri.

3.       Two of the most popular definitions of time are “Time is money” by Benjamin Franklin and “Time is life” by Alan Lakein. Which one do you prefer, and why do you choose the definition. Or if you agree with both of definitions, jot down your reasons

4.       “Say NO to unnecessary commitments” is one of many tips in Time Management. What does it mean? How do you decide that something is unnecessary or necessary?


1.     John Broadus Watson

Psikologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari tingkah laku tampak ( lahiriah ) dengan menggunakan metode observasi yang objektif terhadap rangsangan dan jawaban ( respon ).

2.     Wilhelm Wundt

Psikologi merupakan ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari pengalaman-pengalaman yang timbul dalam diri manusia seperti perasaan panca indra, pikiran, merasa ( feeling ) dan kehendak.

3.     Bruno (1987)

Pengertian Psikologi dibagi dalam tiga bagian, yaitu : Pertama, psikologi adalah studi (penyelidikan) mengenai “roh”. Kedua, psikologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan mengenai “kehidup mental”. Ketiga, psikologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan mengenai “tingkah laku” organisme.

4.     Chaplin

Dalam Dictionary of Psychology mendefinisikan psikologi sebagai “ …the science of human and animal behavior, the study of the organism in all its variety and complexity as it responds to the flux and flow of the physical and social events which make up the environment”. (Psikologi ialah ilmu pengetahuan mengenai perilaku manusia dan hewan, juga penyelidikan terhadap organisme dalam segala ragam kerumitannya ketika bereaksi arus dan perubahan alam sekitar dan peristiwa-peristiwa kemasyarakan yang mengubah lingkungan).

5.     Woodworth dan Marqius

Psikologi ialah Ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari aktifitas individu sejak masih dalam kandungan sampai meninggal dunia dalam hubungannya dengan alam sekitar.

Using a Dictionary Quickly

When you read, you can often yhe meaning of new words from the context. Sometimes, however, you may need to use a dictionary. With a dictionary, you can find out the pronountiation of words and check the spelling. You can find out parts of speech and check your guesses about meaning. You can find examples of the words in sentences. In a dictionary, words and phrase (entries) appear in alphabetical order.


A synonym is word, with the same meaning as another word. For example, seldom and rarely are synonyms both words means “almost never”. Vocabulary tests often include multiple-choice question about synonyms. One type of multiple-choice question is a sentence with an underlined word or phrase. You read the sentence and then choose which of four words is the closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase.

Ex : Hurricanes occur frequently in the Caribbean

  1. Yearly
  2. Often
  3. Quickly
  4. Strongly

All four choices make a meaningful sentence, but only one (b. often) keeps the meaning of the word frequently ; only often is a synonym of frequently.


Asking and Giving Help

Christopher is visiting his classmate Jessica. At this time, Jessica is in the backyard of her house.
Christopher :   Hi, Jess.
Jessica :           Hi, Chris.
Christopher :   what are you doing?
Jessica :           well. I’m planting a rose now. Can you help me get the flower pot over here,                 please?
Christopher :   yes, of course.
Christopher takes the flower pot and gives it to Jessica.
Christopher :   here you are.
Jessica :           thank you, Christopher.
Christopher :   you’re welcome. These flowers are beautiful. Are they all yours?
Jessica :           yes. My mother bought them for me.
Christopher :   oh, I see. By the way, would you like me to water the flowers?
Jessica :           no, thanks. You don’t have to.